Dustin Edwards Biography scroll down to view works

Dustin Edwards

Dustin Edwards is an American fine art bronze sculptor.  Dustin was born and raised in the beautiful state of Idaho where he has lived most of his life. 

Dustin was fortunate enough to have had the ability to grow up and witness the art industry and the mechanics behind the scenes while his father sculpted and created artistic pieces for over 35 years.  Dustin was always interested in the arts early on with drawing, painting and creating things most of his childhood.  Having a famous bronze sculptor as a father only aided in this passion, which helped direct and further develop his skills of interpretation, design, and creativity for his own work. 

Dustin joined his father on multiple projects starting at the young age of 15 and up through his college years.  One of his more notable collaborative works with his father was a multiple large monument project for Kevin Costner.

 Dustin continued to pursue what he calls, “a talent from God,” while studying at college and graduating with a Business/Art degree in 1999.  Dustin was honored when his alma mater purchased one of his pieces during his four years tenure on campus.  Dustin was also honored with a publication on the front page of the local magazine cover for recognition of artistic excellence. Dustin continued his education by getting accepted into the number one ranked University of Pharmacy and Allied Health Universities located in Omaha, Nebraska.  His wife and two kids were by his side as he completed his doctorate in 2003. 

Over the next 18 years, utilizing his doctorate and working in the medical field, Dustin struggled with the fight and pull to leave what he had worked so hard to establish.  The struggle to pursue and honor what he feels is his true calling kept him in limbo and made it difficult to not follow his heart of creating artistic design through sculpture.  In 2018, Dustin made the decision to step away from all that seemed secure and reasonable to pursue and fulfill what his heart had been calling him to do all these years.

Living in Idaho, it played an important role in his pursuit of the fine arts.  Raised in a family that cherished and embraced all forms of outdoor activities, the stage was set to develop a deep passion for him to connect with God’s creation.  Whether it be through painting or sculpture, his work portrays a level of intimacy, motion, spirit, and realism that is rarely captured.  It doesn’t take long when observing his work to see this realism and emotional connection that arises in each individual piece.   He is known to have a level of realism that embodies the soul and spirit of what he is sculpting.  The personality and expression that he captures is unique and inspiring and pays respect and honor to his subjects. 

As he continues his call, Dustin’s desire is to master the ability to represent, to embody, and to characterize his work in a manner that defines not only creativity but respects and honors the very essence of its life.  When asked what motivates him moving forward, Dustin explains; “I want to create an embodiment of work that stirs up feelings, contains personality and has a form of motion that stirs up drama and excitement within the eyes of the beholder.  It will be different for everyone, but hopefully everyone will feel something.”

With each new piece you can see Dustin’s ability to capture more and more life and emotion in his work.  Dustin’s work is sure to impact the art world and has already set a precedent for realism and motion that makes his work come alive.